вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.


Iapos;m increasingly aware of my brianapos;s functions.
I used to not think about my brain.
Just like I donapos;t think about my lungs.
Bringing dirty air in,
pushing dirty air out.

But Iapos;ve got a�lazy brain
that sucks information in
keeps it in�there
and then the scariest thing happens...
itapos;s lost forever and becomes a part of me.

Where do I begin and where does all of this
irrelevant information end?

so Iapos;m a victim of structural violence.
Iapos;m the oppressed in an oppresive
between the mass media, government, popular culture
and myself.
My brain,
as�it passively absorbs.

Iapos;ve never felt like iapos;m my brain.
My brain is just the motor that keeps this piece of junk moving
and breathing.

Iapos;ve got a lazy brain.
Weapos;ve all got one lazy
spongy brain.

Iapos;m gonna start telling my brain whoapos;s boss
Iapos;m kinda tired of being
complacent about it.

biztouch2, biztouch3, biztracker.

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